Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting Healing and Recovery
Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting Healing and Recovery: Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach to service delivery that recognizes the impact of trauma and takes steps to reduce the risk of re-traumatization. TIC organizations and providers understand that trauma can affect people's physical and mental health , their relationships, and their ability to function in everyday life. They also understand that people who have experienced trauma may need different approaches to care than those who have not. The six key principles of TIC are: Safety: TIC organizations and providers create a safe and supportive environment for everyone, regardless of their trauma history. This includes physical safety, emotional safety, and psychological safety. Trustworthiness and transparency: TIC organizations and providers are honest and transparent with the people they serve. They build trust by being clear about their policies and procedures, and by being respectful of the person's privac...